Tooth Color Changes with Age & Use Find out what simple cosmetic dentistry can do to help! Our teeth start out white, but they naturally change color due to aging and with everyday use. While teeth typically grow darker and begin to yellow at around age 30, this can happen much sooner without proper brushing, […]
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Amalgam & Silver Filling Removal
Metal-Free, Tooth-Colored Fillings in Chula Vista, CA Fix cavities or replace old mercury amalgams with tooth-colored fillings. Chewing puts incredible stresses on teeth. That’s why, in the past, filling cavities and restoring damaged teeth usually involved metals such as gold, silver, or an amalgam. (A mixture of metals, including mercury.) Today, you have a choice […]

The Anatomy of a “Perfect” Smile
You’ve probably noticed that a friendly greeting (along with a bright smile) usually gets a smile in response! It’s a good feeling we humans are lucky to share. But, what exactly composes a fine smile? What Makes Teeth Beautiful? The Smile Line There are dimensions to the ideal smile that dentists work to achieve. In […]

Smile with Confidence
Confidence & Self-Esteem Through Dentistry The Psychology of Teeth, Imperfections, and Self-Esteem Studies show that good-looking people receive preferential treatment over others. We may not like it, but it’s human nature to perceive physically attractive individuals as more intelligent, likable, and honest. So who decides who’s attractive? It’s partially determined by cultural norms, however, self-esteem […]

Brighten an Aging Smile
With Professional Teeth Whitening! Since it’s natural for teeth to darken as we age, teeth whitening can be one of the most effective ways to recapture that youthful appearance. Contact us today and discover how we can safely and effectively lighten the color of your teeth, either with convenient in-office treatment or at-home whitening trays! […]

Improving Self-Esteem
Do Looks Affect the Way People Treat You? Positive self-esteem—how we feel about ourselves—is important to a healthy personality, the development of a positive attitude about life, and achievement in the direction we choose. It is well documented that people with a positive “feeling” about themselves do better in school, in business, and have closer, […]

One-Visit Whitening
Get Yours Today! Teeth whitening is a simple and safe way to dramatically improve the appearance of your smile. You’re probably familiar with over-the-counter products such as strips, toothpastes, or rinses. Well, these products may lighten your teeth over time with extended use, but they can never achieve the instant results as provided by a […]

A Perfect Smile
If You’ve Got it, Flash it. If not, why not get it? Changes occur as we age. Teeth darken and develop little chips. Gums recede. Gaps appear. Before modern dentistry, there wasn’t much anyone could do except to eventually get dentures. Luckily, nowadays there are alternatives and often you can get a dazzling with simple […]

Concerned with Smile Imperfections?
Have Confidence and Smile Wide! Several aspects of the teeth, lips, and mouth combine to create the overall aesthetic of a smile. The smile line should have a slight curve to the upper teeth, following the curve of the lower lip. The teeth themselves should not be crowded or have gaps, and men’s teeth are […]

Brightening Your Smile…
You Owe It to Yourself Finally achieving a great looking, bright smile can mean a lot. Especially if negative feelings about your smile have been holding you back in life, causing self-consciousness about your overall appearance. Whether you are worried about a job interview, going on a date, or meeting with business clients, there are […]