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Dental Implant Side View

When Prescriptions and Dentistry Don’t Mix

Some prescribed drugs and dental surgery may not be a good mix. You might not think that what your MD prescribes—and what your dentist does for your mouth’s well-being—are closely related. But both are significant. If you are contemplating upcoming dentistry like a tooth extraction or an implant, it may be helpful to review which […]

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Old Vs New Toothbrush

Dead Toothbrushes

A really dead toothbrush—one badly worn and frayed, not necessarily just old—is like having no toothbrush at all. In fact, you’re probably doing more harm than good if your brush has seen better days. All dead toothbrushes should be given a decent burial. If you have doubts about the life left in your toothbrush, bring […]

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Bottle Of Water Pouring Into Glass

Fluoride, it’s for Life

If your goal is healthy teeth for life, then you need fluoride. It ensures newly formed teeth are strong; prevents plaque, caries, and gum disease; and protects roots that get exposed as gums recede over time. This essential mineral is present in what we eat and drink, but a healthy diet doesn’t supply enough for […]

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Nervous Woman Headshot

Dealing with a Dental Phobia

The bad thing about dental phobia is that it prevents people from seeking the care they need—when they need it. The good thing about it is that, today, we can treat fear as successfully as we treat tooth decay or crooked teeth. Over six million people experience some degree of anxiety when they visit the […]

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Brain Stroke

Stroke Prevention: Routine Dental Hygiene Appointments

You may wonder what a tooth cleaning has to do with a stroke—that sudden, devastating paralysis in which blood supply to the brain is blocked. Simply put, it’s the result of a buildup of plaque in the arteries. Yes, the same sort of plaque that builds up on teeth and can go on to cause […]

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Man With Canker Sore On Lip

Fever Blisters, Cold Sores, Canker Sores

Some are caused by a virus, some hurt, and all are unpleasant socially. What exactly is that nasty thing on my mouth? And how do I get rid of it before Friday night? Cold Sores Cold sores and fever blisters are one and the same—small skin blisters on the mouth caused by Herpes simplex virus. […]

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Sun Shining Blue Sky

Let the Sunshine in!

Are you one of the millions of Americans who spends most of their working and free time indoors? If so, you may be missing out on the important benefits of sunshine, which not only lifts the spirit, but also helps the body create an essential nutrient—vitamin D. Early in this century doctors discovered that too […]

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Putting On A Surgical Glove

Our Infection Control Program

Visitors to our practice have probably noticed the efforts we put into making the office open and comfortable. Well, it’s not just cosmetic. We’re doing something about protecting your health. We consulted with experts in the field of asepsis—sterilization. Our aim was to find the best that technology has to offer to keep the practice […]

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Multicolored Toothbrushes

Test Your Toothbrush I.Q.

Did you know the toothbrush was invented by the Chinese in the 15th century? These first toothbrushes were made of hog bristles. Today, most toothbrushes are made from nylon monofilaments which dry quickly and resist breakage. Did you know a worn-out toothbrush is dangerous? Bent bristles can injure soft tissues. Worn, frayed bristles won’t be […]

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Man Snoring Wife Covering Ears

Tired? Do You Sleep Soundly?

Live your dream of a good night’s sleep Good sleepers have a routine that doesn’t change, even on weekends: lights out at the same time, alarm buzzing at the same time. They don’t use caffeine late in the day or rely on alcohol or sleeping pills at bedtime. They exercise daily, and start relaxing two […]

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