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Cerec Machine And Milling Unit

CEREC®—Restorations as Natural as Living Teeth!

Now in just one appointment you can have a metal-free restoration as natural looking and strong as an original tooth. CEREC is a computer-controlled system that creates a tooth replacement from a single block of white, biocompatible, plaque-resistant ceramic. The effect on your smile must be seen to be believed! Not only is the restoration […]

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Dental Crowns

Crown Considerations

When You’ll Need a Crown For whatever reason, your tooth needs reinforcement and restoration. Perhaps it’s an unsightly color. Maybe you cracked it on a popcorn kernel—or it’s been weakened by several fillings. Maybe you’ve had root canal therapy. You’re probably going to need a replacement crown on that tooth. If two or more teeth […]

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Dental Crowns and Bridges

Crowns—Dental Workhorses

Most dentists will agree that crown restorations are at the heart of general dentistry. We’ve all studied crowns in dental school, and some of us have done our best work replacing missing teeth and saving the rest. Research has given us the wherewithal to achieve virtually ideal restorations. They are natural looking, comfortable and stable in the […]

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Dental Implant Cross Section

Am I a Candidate for Dental Implants?

The answer could be “yes!” Many patients, today, from teenagers to active retired people, enjoy the benefits and advantages of dental implants. Whether you’re missing just one tooth, several teeth, or all of your teeth, you may be a patient who could benefit from the esthetic and functional enjoyment of dental implants. Using the latest […]

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Dental Bridges

Dental Bridge FAQs

What is a dental bridge? A bridge is a dental appliance that replaces one or more natural missing teeth, thereby “bridging” the space between two teeth. Fixed bridges are cemented into place next to the “abutment” teeth–the surrounding teeth on either side of the space, or “span.” Unlike removable partial dentures, bridges are not removable. […]

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Dentures: Get Your Smile Back

What is a denture? A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and adjacent tissues. It is made of acrylic resin, sometimes in combination with various metals. Complete dentures replace all the teeth, while a partial denture fills in the spaces created by missing teeth and prevents other teeth from changing position. Who needs […]

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Porcelain Dental Crown

Dental Crown FAQs

What are crowns? A crown is a restoration that covers, or “caps,” a tooth to restore it to its normal shape and size, strengthening and improving the appearance of a tooth. Crowns are necessary when a tooth is generally broken down and fillings won’t solve the problem. If a tooth is cracked, a crown holds […]

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Stages Of Tooth Decay

What You Need to Know About Root Canals

It’s understandable that you might feel a bit afraid when you hear “root canal,” but with modern anesthetics you’ll rarely be in any pain and it is a necessary procedure to save your tooth. Below we answer some of the frequently asked questions associated with root canals. What is a root canal? Underneath your tooth’s […]

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Dental Implant Exam

Dental Implants to Restore Your Teeth

Esthetic, Strong, Lasts a Lifetime Modern dentistry has done wonders in the area of missing teeth, and dentists believe that everybody should have both the confidence that comes with a great looking smile, as well as the functionality provided by a strong, full set of teeth. Perhaps you have had an accident in which a […]

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Restoration with Dental Implants

Dental Implants: What can they do?

All About Dental Implants What are dental implants? And how do they work? Dental implants are just one of the options available to replace missing teeth. They are known for their strength as well as versatility in addressing a wide variety of cases. A single implant can support one replacement tooth, or multiple implants can […]

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