What Does It Do? And Will It Help My Toothache? A root canal is a dental procedure to save a painful or infected tooth. One dental procedure that’s widely known to the general public is the root canal. Though the phrase is strongly associated with toothaches and pain, the truth is closer to the opposite. […]
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Grinding & Clenching Teeth
Are You Grinding Your Teeth? Tooth grinding (AKA bruxism) can be a big problem Grinding or clenching your teeth is a common stress reaction, and most don’t even realize they are doing it. However, it can have a devastating impact on your teeth, especially when it becomes a habit and a go-to response. If you […]

Dental Bridge, What Is It?
Get A Dental Bridge Today Replace a missing or damaged tooth. You’ve probably heard of a dental bridge, but unless you’ve had one yourself, you may not know precisely what it entails. A bridge is a replacement option for a missing tooth or a tooth that has too extensive damage to be effectively repaired. We […]

Dental Bonding FAQs
What Is Dental Bonding? An amazingly versatile treatment to restore or cosmetically enhance your teeth. What is dental bonding? It sounds like making friends with your dentist, but it’s actually a whole lot better than that! Bonding is a type of material that we use for many applications. It consists of a special composite resin […]

Dentures Consultation
Get Dentures in Chula Vista, CA Do you have missing or failing teeth? Most people know what dentures are, but most people who might need them aren’t quite sure if it’s for them. Perhaps they’re worried that they will slip out of place or be uncomfortable. Or perhaps they’re not sure their remaining teeth are […]

Broken Tooth Treatment in Chula Vista, CA
Broken Tooth? It’s A Dental Emergency Why every broken tooth needs treatment as soon as possible. When you suddenly break a tooth, it’s always a dental emergency. Sometimes your first inclination is to avoid treatment due to cost, lack of insurance, fear of the dentist, or other reasons. However, you may be risking more severe […]

What Is TMJ?
Do You Have TMJ? Get diagnosed and receive treatment. TMJ is the abbreviation for the temporomandibular joint—the connection between the lower jaw (mandible) and the skull. When things are working normally, this joint opens and closes even and smoothly. Your teeth and jaw close and interact with perfect alignment. Other times, however, things can get […]

Do You Have An Infected Tooth?
Symptoms of an Infected Tooth And what can I do to relieve the pain? What is an infected tooth? A tooth might appear to be hard, lifeless bone; however, that is just the surface. Underneath the outer layers of enamel and dentin are living nerves and blood vessels. Collectively, this area of the tooth is […]

Do You Have A Chipped Tooth?
Repair a Chipped Tooth We can help restore your perfect smile! When you have a chipped tooth, it may initially be a shocking and distressing situation. However, especially for minor damage, there is usually little to no pain involved, and you’re in no immediate danger. A chipped tooth may result from any traumatic blow to […]

Getting a Cavity Filled
When You Have A Cavity… What to know about the cavity filling process. When you visit our office for a dental checkup, of course, you never want to hear the news that you have a cavity. However, it’s not the end of the world. In fact, its an excellent opportunity to realize that something is […]