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Cracked and Decayed Teeth

Even When Tiny… Tooth Cracks Need Attention

Every tooth fracture needs prompt treatment. No chip or crack is insignificant. Unfortunately, some cracks are too small to be seen, even by a trained eye. Sometimes the culprit is a hairline crack in what looks like a healthy tooth. You may not be aware of the damage until pain fills your mouth. You may […]

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Root Caries

Root Surface Caries

We are Growing Older… As the population ages—more gracefully than ever, of course— we’re keeping more teeth. Along with wisdom and experience, however, come different health problems. Among them, cavities on the surface of the tooth root, what we call root caries. Growing up, most decay is found on the surface of teeth, usually the […]

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Bad Breath

Making Bad Breath Go Away

Where Bad Breath Comes From Most, but not all, bad breath comes from bacterial plaque and food accumulated mainly towards the back of the tongue. The problem is, there are all sorts of not-likely-but-possible other reasons for halitosis: upset stomach, anxiety, inflamed gums, saliva deficiency, infections and removable dentures are among them. What Not To Do […]

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Dental Implant Cross Section

Dental Implants: The Next Best Thing to Natural Teeth

Once teeth are missing from the jawbone—whether one or many; whether from accident or disease—something very important is missing as well. That’s tooth stability. Any denture wearer will tell you there’s nothing more upsetting than a slipping lower denture and the anxious uncertainty it brings. That’s because once one or more teeth are removed, the […]

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Artificial Jaw Missing a Tooth

Gone Missing

Lose a tooth? We can help you choose the right replacement option. CROWN & BRIDGE is a collective phrase for several methods of restoring teeth. When a tooth has been damaged but is healthy enough to save, we place a crown that covers it and binds it together for strength. Crowns can be fashioned from […]

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Man with Tooth Pain

Ouch! Why am I Wincing?

A sudden, sharp pain when you bite—that’s seemingly out of nowhere? Most likely, it’s a cracked tooth. Even a hairline fracture in a cavity-free molar can make the most hardy of us sit up and take notice. When you’re visited by this kind of bite-down pain, get to the dentist quick. Most cracks are superficial, […]

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Grandfather Reading to Child

Dentistry and the Older Adult

With people living longer, we, as dentists, recognize that the dental profession must shoulder a new responsibility for enduring dental care. We all hope we’ll live to a ripe old age. At the same time, we want to enjoy the rest of our years and live a quality life. As people age, they become more […]

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Before And After composite Fillings

No More Metal Mouth

You don’t have to be a dentist to know that metal is NOT a normal component of teeth. Used to be, gold or silver amalgam was necessary to restore structural integrity to damaged teeth (especially molars) that would be subjected to the great stress caused by chewing. Today, there are new materials that stand up […]

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