Social embarrassments come in many sizes. But chronic bad breath is near the top of the list. It affects those nearest and dearest to us and may limit the close social contacts we treasure most. Worse yet, a person with bad breath may be unaware he’s offensive—we “turn off” our sensitivity to bad odors over […]
Tag Archives | dry mouth

Your Health History
Keep Us Informed of Any Changes! If it’s been a little while since your last appointment, then don’t forget to update your health history. Your dental care is part of your total health-care package. Have you: experienced any new allergies or sensitivities? quit smoking (or started)? begun taking new medications, even over-the-counter drugs? had any […]

Help for Dry Mouth Sufferers
Does your mouth seem uncomfortably dry? Or have you actually been diagnosed with dry mouth (as a side effect of certain types of medication or radiation therapy for cancer)? Either way, here’s what you need to know about your condition: A dry mouth is not only uncomfortable, it’s a cavity-prone environment. Normal saliva flow is […]

Do You Have A Salivary Stone?
A healthy flow of saliva is critical for chewing and digestion, bathing gums, and bacterial control. And we owe it all to salivary glands, three pairs of organs in the cheek and floor of the mouth. Each gland secretes saliva into the mouth via a tube, and this is where trouble can begin. Sialolithiasis—whew—names the […]

Dentistry and the Older Adult
With people living longer, we, as dentists, recognize that the dental profession must shoulder a new responsibility for enduring dental care. We all hope we’ll live to a ripe old age. At the same time, we want to enjoy the rest of our years and live a quality life. As people age, they become more […]

Xerostomia (Dry Mouth)
News to Make a Mouth Water… A thick, juicy prime rib of beef surrounded by a baked potato—all the trimmings—asparagus with drawn butter, fresh apple cobbler a la mode. Got your mouth watering? Good. Your salivary glands have been stimulated. And saliva’s a whole lot more important to you than helping you enjoy that special […]