
Tag Archives | oral cancer

Quit Smoking

Smoking and Still Smiling?

Say you’ve spent the time and effort to get your mouth and teeth in shape. You’re dentally hale and hearty. And you smoke. As if there isn’t enough reason to give up smoking, your dental health suffers too. Dramatically. Aside from the tobacco stains on teeth (not to mention the bouquet), serious oral disease can […]

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Alcohol And Cigarettes

Update on Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is the sixth most common cancer in the world, and strikes over 43,000 people each year in America. Over the past 30 years, survival rates have only increased from 45 percent to 54 percent, with survival rates lower among African Americans and people under 40. In a recent poll, the National Institute of […]

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Chewing Tobacco

Oral Cancer Facts and Screening

How common and how serious is oral cancer? Oral cancer, the sixth most common cancer, accounts for about 3.6 percent of all cancers diagnosed, with roughly 40,000 new cases of oral cancer reported annually in the United States. The vast majority of these cases occur in people older than 45 years, with men being twice […]

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Woman Performing Self-Examination

Benefits of Self-Examination

Make Self-Examination Part Of Your Routine Most people know the importance of brushing and flossing their teeth, but one part of your oral health routine you may be neglecting is a simple visual self-examination. Take some time to get acquainted with all the parts of your mouth. You probably know what your teeth look like, […]

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Refusing Tobacco Cigarettes

Tobacco Use & Your Oral Health

Does Smoking & Using Tobacco Cause Oral Problems? Learn about the adverse effects. You probably know that smoking cigarettes and using tobacco is detrimental to your health. But the problems are not limited to lung disease and secondhand smoke. On the contrary, the use of this harmful carcinogen can also have adverse effects on your […]

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Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer Prevention

Critical Oral Cancer Facts And what to know about prevention Oral cancer is one of the most common forms of the disease. Every year, over 50,000 Americans receive a diagnosis. Typically, it affects men at twice the rate of women and is most often diagnosed in those 40 years of age and older. Risk factors […]

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Stages of Periodontal Disease

Preventing Periodontal Disease

Early Diagnosis is the Most Effective Means of Control Periodontal (gum) disease is more common than heart disease or even cancer, but because it’s not categorized as “life-threatening,” few people know much about the condition. The tragedy of this disease is that it can totally devastate your appearance. Left untreated, it will erode your jawbone, […]

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Inside the Oral Cavity

Other Oral Concerns… Besides Teeth

Common Problems of the Oral Cavity Most people associate dentistry with teeth. But the fact is, our focus is on the continued good health of your entire mouth–the oral cavity, as we dentists call it. The Tongue It’s a highly helpful indicator of what may be going right–or wrong–inside the mouth. A smooth, or red […]

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Woman Getting a Cavity Filled

Every Mouth is Different

Custom Dental Care for Your Needs No two of us are alike. We all have our own smiles, speech patterns, eye and hair colorings. But we’re just now beginning to learn how unique our mouth environments really are. Turns out, they’re as distinctively different as fingerprints. One patient can go a year between checkups, while […]

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Quit Smoking

The Truth About Smoking

While nobody enjoys getting lectured about a bad habit, it’s important to have all the relevant information available to you, especially when it involves health implication. So if you need any extra motivation to help you quit smoking, we’ll discuss some of the lesser known problems it can cause. It isn’t just your lungs that […]

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