If you have had one or more missing teeth replaced with a dental bridge restoration (also sometimes called a fixed partial denture), then be sure to keep up the good work by properly caring for it. Just following these helpful tips will have you well on your way to a strong and healthy bridge for […]
Tag Archives | partial
Implants—The New and Improved Tooth Fairy
For the right patient missing the right tooth, the Tooth Fairy has bailed us out again. A lot of people are missing a single tooth. Until recently, the only options for replacement took the form of a bridge. Dentistry calls this gizmo a fixed or removable partial denture and, for it to fit properly, a […]
The Hi-Tech Art of Restorative Dentistry
When a tooth is lost, nothing is ever the same. The entire balance of a healthy mouth is lost: the bite goes off, opposing teeth overgrow in unpredictable directions, facial appearance ages. Restorative dentistry is all about bringing mouths back into use. How? Let us count the ways. Bridges are partnered with crowns to resolve […]
In Case Of A Dental Emergency!
During any emergency it’s important to remain calm as you arrange for treatment, and be sure to follow these instructions in the the meantime. Toothache Rinse mouth vigorously with cool water. Floss to remove food that might be trapped between teeth. DON’T use heat or place aspirin ON the aching tooth or gum. Call us […]
Ready For Dental Implants?
Dental Implants To Replace Missing Teeth For Single Teeth, Dentures, and Everything in Between If you have missing or failing teeth, there are many replacement options available. Bridges, crowns, dentures, and partials are all viable options. Still, nothing comes close to the strength and durability of dental implants to support the restoration. Implants are extremely […]
Missing Teeth? Prevent Shift & Drift!
The human body is excellent at adapting, and our mouths are no exception. When you have missing teeth, your mouth undergoes various changes to compensate. In the short-term, you may have an unsightly gap in your smile. However, as time progresses, the surrounding teeth will begin to shift and tilt toward the open space in […]
Broken Tooth Treatment in Chula Vista, CA
Broken Tooth? It’s A Dental Emergency Why every broken tooth needs treatment as soon as possible. When you suddenly break a tooth, it’s always a dental emergency. Sometimes your first inclination is to avoid treatment due to cost, lack of insurance, fear of the dentist, or other reasons. However, you may be risking more severe […]
Dental Implants: Their Structure And What’s Involved
About Dental Implants Dental implants are the strongest and most permanent solution for missing or failing teeth. When you choose to enhance your smile with dental implants, it’s a life-changing event! We often take our teeth for granted, and you never really appreciate all they do until they begin to cause trouble. For speaking, eating, […]
Dentures: Are They For You?
Dentures Are A Replacement For Natural Teeth For patients who have missing or failing teeth, dentures may be the best replacement option. Rather than waiting for teeth to gradually get replaced one by one, consider scheduling consultation for dentures. We’ll discuss your treatment options and answer any questions you have about the process. Call us […]
Dentures so Natural Looking…
Only Your Dentist Knows For Sure! With so many advances in modern dentistry, fewer people need full dentures. But for those that do have missing teeth, dentures and partials are more natural-looking and discreet than ever. We can customize a complete restoration to fit your appearance (including considerations for skin, hair, and eye color) or […]