
Tag Archives | smile

Woman Smiling Bright

Concerned with Smile Imperfections?

Have Confidence and Smile Wide! Several aspects of the teeth, lips, and mouth combine to create the overall aesthetic of a smile. The smile line should have a slight curve to the upper teeth, following the curve of the lower lip. The teeth themselves should not be crowded or have gaps, and men’s teeth are […]

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Woman Looking Into Mirror

Wishing for a Dazzling Smile?

If you could change just one thing about your smile, what would it be? Would you choose to lighten the color of your teeth? Or maybe you have chipped, cracked, or missing teeth you’d like to repair? These things happen as we age… teeth darken, little chips and gaps appear, and suddenly all those slight […]

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Healthy Beautiful Teeth

A Change in Looks Can Change Your Life

A healthy, beautiful smile should be part of your everyday wardrobe. If you’re looking for some self-improvement, don’t forget that your smile is a vital part of your total image. Your smile is often the first impression people have of you. Psychological studies have shown that a person’s physical attractiveness is judged by “the mouth, […]

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Man Smiling with White Teeth

The Makings of a Better Smile

One of the best things about today’s cosmetic dentistry is how dramatically your smile can be enhanced with very simple, conservative procedures. All of us differ in terms of our appetite for cosmetic improvement. But a custom plan can be developed that fits your own particular desire—and comfort level—to a “T.” A great smile is […]

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