
Tag Archives | vitamin c

Medicine and Lozenges

Medicine & Your Mouth

The medicine you take for one physical disorder may literally rot your teeth. This is one of many reasons we need to know your medical history and current treatment. For instance… Chewable vitamin C supplements are a good idea for a lot of people, but check your brand for sugar content. For children especially, a […]

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Vitamin C Foods

Vitamin C For Your Mouth

Vitamin C is Crucial for Oral Health Find out how to get enough in your diet. Vitamin C has long been known to be beneficial to oral health. In the 1800s, British sailors used to receive daily rations of lime juice aboard long sea voyages to ensure the health of their crews—thus preventing the dreaded […]

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Chewable Vitamin C Tablets

Do You Use Chewable Vitamin C?

Less is More Where would we be without our vitamin C? Everyone agrees it’s a crucial nutrient that provides many health benefits. And in dentistry, it plays an important role in the healing process, especially in soft tissue such as gums. But vitamin C, being acidic, can actually do damage if consumed in chewable form. […]

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Healthy VS Unhealthy Foods

A Few Tips on Nutrition

Get Your Vitamins! Vitamin C is an extremely important in dentistry (and nutrition in general) because of how it helps control periodontal disease and other problems in the mouth. For one thing, Vitamin C—ascorbic acid—seems to help calcium do its job of halting the loss of bone. Animal studies at the Harvard School of Dental […]

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Teenager Eating Junk Food

These are Times that Stress Kids’ Mouths

What does a student facing exam pressure have in common with a World War I soldier—or an 18th-Century British sailor? More than you might think. Kids surviving on junk food and stress are at risk of two retro tooth-and-gum woes: trench mouth and scurvy. Trench Mouth (named for the soldiers) is better known today as […]

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